Interactive Presentations
My engaging interactive presentations are up to 90-minutes long and combine insightful content with self-reflection, group discussion, and other dynamic elements. Tailored for impactful learning experiences, these sessions are an integral part of my comprehensive corporate training services.
Peruse the options below or contact me to discuss a customized solution tailored to your specific needs. I have deep expertise in financial services and, as such, several presentations can be tailored to the needs and realities of professionals working in this industry.
Crush It Without Crushing Yourself
High achievers can pay a steep price for their outstanding performance. Top performers will often sacrifice their well-being to ensure quality execution. I’ve been there myself and observed this phenomenon in many others. In this presentation, I reveal how I discovered a different way and how it is possible to maintain peak performance without compromising well-being.
* A specialized version of this presentation exists for bankers and financial services professionals.
Thriving Under Pressure
The media will have us believe that all stress is bad but that isn’t quite right. In this interactive presentation, participants are introduced to a different perspective on stress: as a valuable asset. They discover the positive impact that shifting their mindsets and honing their focus can have on their effectiveness and well-being.​​
​* A specialized version of this presentation exists for bankers and financial services professionals.
Tapping Into Your Courage
We are braver than we realize. In this interactive presentation, participants explore what it really means to have courage and look at ways to overcome self-doubt so they can make decisions, face challenges, and pursue their dreams with confidence.
Celebrating Your Innate Awesomeness
We each already possess what we need to be our best and handle whatever life throws at us. In this interactive presentation, participants tap into their inner resourcefulness and resilience.
They explore how to adopt a positive mindset, celebrate their achievements, and thrive amidst challenges.​
* A specialized version of this presentation exists for bankers and financial services professionals.
Restoring Balance
We do not have an infinite amount of energy in a day. Maximizing our effectiveness means embracing this fact and proactively managing our energy. In this interactive presentation, participants uncover practical methods for refreshing their energy and breaking free from overwhelm. They explore the power of integrating mindfulness practices into their day to restore balance.
Boldly Taking Up Space
As women, we often keep ourselves small, without even realizing it. In this interactive session, participants explore what it means to have a voice, learn to speak with confidence, and identify ways to deal with their internal and external critics.
What clients say about my interactive presentations